Helna’s House Protocol
House Protocol
We are honored to have you as our guests
and happy to provide you with a pleasant and secure dining experience.
Due to ongoing supply and staff shortages
following will be in effect until further notice.
NO paper menus are available at this time.
If possible, please bring your own devices to access the online menu.
You can access the entire menu by clicking here
or by scanning the menu qr code upon arrival
(no wifi at our establishment, iPads are available if needed)
Payment option for groups with 6+ people:
One bill if paying with credit card
Happy to provide separate bills. Payment option for individual bills is cash only.
Contact information (full name and phone number) will be required.
Collected information will be kept confidential and destroyed after 30 days.
Accumulating minimum charge
18 years and older $35
12 – 17 years $25.00
11 and younger value of one kid’s meal
details for Group Bookings please click here
We appreciate your understanding to the ongoing economic challenges
For business hours and reservation details please click here